Adult Ministries
Adult ministries at First Baptist Church are very important. We believe God has gifted each of us and intends for us to use those gifts within the context of our church family ministry. This is definitely a demographic that is vital to the health of this church.
Small Groups
There are a few different options if you would like to be involved in a small group.
* Men's Bible study Sunday mornings at 7:30
* Women's Bible study is currently - 2nd & 4th Thursdays at 9:30am or 6pm October -May
Contact us for more information.
Bible Study
Wednesday night bible study.
We meet at 6:00 pm in the Foyer area every Wednesday night. We cover a wide range of topics, and are there to encourage each other and study topics of interest to everyone. Have something you want to study? Suggest a topic and we can all study it together!
There are children's programs and nursery to keep your kids entertained as well.
Sunday School
Adults meet in the Sanctuary after morning service (11:00) for the Adult Sunday School class. Very informal, come with your questions!
First Baptist Church
426 Flambeau Ave. | Phillips, WI 54555 | PH: (715) 339-3433